Scholarships: bonuses and limitations
Scholarships vary in how they are advertised, processed, evaluated, and when they open and close. They also vary in how the scholarship...

Recent interviews
I was recently a guest on two shows: Haliblab on Facebook with Anita Kirkbride of Twirp Communications, and the Women Doing Cool Stuff...

What scholarships should I focus on?
I recently asked people on my email list to tell me some topics they’d like me discuss in upcoming blogs. A few people asked me to give...

The 4 biggest mistakes with finding scholarships
Scholarships are a great way to get money to help fund the looming costs of post-secondary. Although winning a scholarship isn’t usually...

How to read a scholarship application: 3 reasons to read the fine print
The fine print can be a wealth of important information. It also can hold valuable tips on how to tailor your essay to what the organizatio

The Scholarship Essay: write to Lupin, not to Snape
Students can find it difficult to write scholarship essays, and for a few reasons. One common problem is they feel weird writing about...

The "hidden" benefits of scholarships
What would winning a scholarship look like for your student? Of course, it would feel fantastic for your child to walk across the stage...