Parents of Grade 12 students
Feel like there's just too much to do and not enough time?
Grade 12 is a busy year, and the first 4 months can whiz by before you know it. Don't let that time slip by without doing some key activities to ensure you're taking full advantage of all scholarship opportunities!
If you want to know your child is crossing off the right things on their "TO DO" list for grade 12, sign up for my FREE Grade 12 SCHOLARSHIP CHECKLIST!
Scholarships start to be offered in SEPTEMBER of Grade 12. You need to know when and how to access important information like:
Where can we find scholarships?
What are the different kinds of scholarships?
Do Grade 11 marks matter for scholarships?
How do I make an activities list?
How can I get a great reference?
Do some scholarships really go unclaimed?
Grade 12 is your child's BEST opportunity to get free money for university. There will never be another time with more opportunities and less competition.
Make sure you're doing all you can to stay informed and make it the best year possible!

Here's what it looks like
Don't let this simple sheet fool you!
When you sign up for the FREE CHECKLIST, you'll get 7 pages of valuable information with links for more detailed information on the topic. You'll also get a few helpful emails from me to keep you on the right path.
Save time and energy by simply reading my advice on how best to stay on track with scholarships.
Get the Grade 12 Scholarship Checklist and get on track today!