“If a goal is worth having, it’s worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to achieve it.”– Jill Koenig
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"I just listened to your presentation. It was by far the best one I've heard. I worked in Financial Aid for a number of years at a post-secondary institution before my role as Academic Counsellor, so I've seen various presentations & read many resources. Thanks for your insight."
-School Counsellor
Former university admissions officer Janet MacDonald has been delivering presentations and workshops on scholarships for over five years. Groups include the Ontario School Counsellors Association, the Canadian College and University Fairs, public and independent high schools, school advisory councils, school boards, home-schooled students, not-for-profit groups such as 4-H Canada, and many more.
Presentation feedback is always overwhelmingly positive.
You may request a personalized session based on your needs, or select from one of Janet's prepared presentations:
What You Need to Know About Scholarships
How to Prepare for Scholarships in Grade 10 & 11
Rates for prepared presentations are included in the descriptions below. Please complete the form below to request more information or to book Janet for a session.
Please note: there is absolutely no selling in my paid sessions. Only high-value information and resources are presented.
Presentation 1
What You Need to Know About Scholarships
This 1-hour presentation is packed with valuable information including the different kinds of scholarships available for high school students, plus key pieces of information students and parents need to know, such as how to find scholarships, and how to make your best applications for scholarships.
Janet doesn’t just cover the “what” information, she also covers the “how-to” strategies students need to put the information into practice. This information could save you thousands of dollars!
This “What You Need to Know” session is aimed at grade 12 students and parents. However, students in grade 11 can also benefit greatly from this information as it lets them know what's ahead.
Grade 12 is a student's best opportunity to win scholarships during their lifetime. And, unlike in the past, scholarships are not just for top students. Help your students gain confidence, and provide them with the information they need so they can capitalize on this golden window of opportunity!
$299.00 + tax. Includes one copy of my "How to Find and Win Scholarships" Guidebook
Presentation 2
What You Need to Know About Scholarships
in Grade 10 & 11
There has never been a better time in history for scholarships – a time where there are more scholarship opportunities for different kinds of students. Grade 12 is a student’s best opportunity to win scholarships during their lifetime. And, while grade 12 is the time to apply for scholarships, grade 10 and 11 is the time to prepare for them. These years set the foundation for success for scholarships in grade 12.
In this 1-hour session, former university admissions officer Janet MacDonald will take you through the reasons why grade 11 is a critical time to prepare for scholarships, and what steps you can take now to do so.
This session is not just full of valuable information, it also provides a good dose of confidence-boosting, so students understand that, unlike in the past, scholarships are not just for top students.
This information could save students and parents thousands of dollars!
$249.00 + tax

Meet your presenter

Janet MacDonald
Janet has over 10 years of experience with university admissions and scholarship coaching. Janet was an Assistant Registrar of Admissions at Dalhousie University and an Admissions Officer at The University of British Columbia. For six years she was the Program Coordinator for a national science and engineering research scholarship program.
With mycampusGPS, Janet has helped Canadian students win hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships. She loves this work!
Janet’s blog was named one of the top education blogs in Canada.